A Future Worth Seeing

http://gospelforasia-reports.org/?p=269The people of Labangalata’s village generally cared more about making a good profit than practicing religion, but Labangalata’s powers as a priestess were hard to ignore. She could see the future and visit “the village of the dead,” and the community gave her high respect for it.

It seemed only natural, then, that the missionary at Labangalata’s door should listen when she shouted at her to go away.

“The very first time [I visited], I feared the woman so much,” says Gospel for Asia missionary Chaaya, “but with the help of God, I approached her and stood at the door.”

As Labangalata shouted, Chaaya simply prayed God would touch the priestess’s life—and determined she would return.

“At least once a week, I visited her and tried to make a friendship with her,” Chaaya says.

As Chaaya overcame her fear, Labangalata overcame her aversion to the missionary’s faith. After a month, she let Chaaya share from the Bible. Labangalata soon realized she needed to change her life.

She started attending church to learn more about Jesus, and one Sunday during the morning service, she decided to embrace His love.

The villagers were amazed to see Labangalata give up her priestly duties and begin worshiping Jesus Christ at church. But they didn’t oppose her—they wanted to come to church, too.

Now, in a place where missionaries struggled to reach a busy and unreligious community, people are talking about Jesus. And the woman who used to see into the future has an eternal future worth seeing.

GFA missionaries face opposition every day. See their heart to share the love of Christ despite the costs.


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