Blocked from Education at Every Turn

Woman in classPoverty had never kept Lajjawati from her studies before, and her mom was determined that loss of a loved one shouldn’t either. But even though Lajjawati pushed through the heartache of losing her father, her educational costs were too much for her mother, Omana, to handle alone.

In the 10th grade, Lajjawati had to drop out of school and began working as a cook. She not only helped support the family with her wages but also saved a portion.

After two years, Lajjawati had enough money to return to school, but before long, her studies were halted again. In the 11th grade, a sudden illness overtook her, rendering her unable to walk, move or eat properly.

Her family took her to medical doctors and witch doctors, but they were helpless against the disease. Lajjawati’s body withered until Omana felt certain her daughter would die.

True to His Word

One day, Lajjawati and Omana happened to meet a visiting group of Bible college students accompanied by Gospel for Asia pastor Saipraasad. When the mother and daughter shared their problem, Pastor Saipraasad told them about Jesus, encouraging them to trust Him.

The pastor confidently told Omana that Jesus could heal her daughter if she believed.

He and the students held their hands over Lajjawati’s head and prayed for healing. True to the pastor’s word, the sickness left immediately.

Although Omana understood what Christ had done, she was still afraid of the opposition she might face if she embraced Jesus—but Lajjawati pushed away such fears. After choosing to follow Christ, Lajjawati told her friends all about the Lord’s faithfulness and became passionate about serving the Lord.

Seeing Lajjawati’s fervor, Pastor Saipraasad encouraged her to put it into action. In 2011, the young woman who almost didn’t finish her education became a teacher at a Christian school.

Now Lajjawati lives in peace and joy, knowing the Lord’s blessings more each day and passing them on to her students. Her prayer is that her family will know her Healer, too.

See how God used a GFA pastor’s prayers to reach another family.

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