Water Is No Longer a Burden to Him

Yaswar carried the heavy water pots on his shoulders. The long walk to the nearest water source wearied the 51-year-old’s body, but his main job was to make sure the workers at the tea garden had water to drink when they needed it. If he was ever late in bringing water, his co-workers grumbled and scolded him. Yaswar never said anything back, even though their words greatly discouraged him.

As a believer in Christ, Yaswar spent time with other Christians. He shared his problem with his pastor, Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastor Kundan.

“I am facing a problem in doing my duty [at the tea garden],” Yaswar told Pastor Kundan. “Because I have to carry water pots on my shoulders and walk for a long distance, I find it so difficult to do this job. I need time, but all the workers are asking me to come on time. Because of this hard work, my whole body is weak and tired. But I have no other option.”

“Don’t worry,” Pastor Kundan said, encouraging Yaswar. “God will do some miracle for you.”

Sometime later, Pastor Kundan organized a Christmas gift distribution program, and he put Yaswar’s name on the list of recipients. Understanding Yaswar’s need, Pastor Kundan gifted Yaswar with a bicycle he could use while he fetched water for his co-workers at the tea garden. Yaswar could finally relieve his weary body by carrying the heavy water pots on his bicycle as he rode the long distance.

“I am very glad,” he said. “Our church has great compassion for the downtrodden community.”

See how a bicycle helped one pastor care for the believers in the church he leads.

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