Finding Her Value

Believers helped this poor widow
This widow in Asia also rejoices because of the love believers demonstrated toward her and her three children.

Lajja once lived alone in unrest. She looked for any value in her life, instead finding only bleakness and misery. But if you talked to Lajja today, she would tell you she is a precious child of God and is loved both in heaven and on earth. Her eyes might even sparkle!

Widow Struggles Alone

Lajja’s four children were in no place to take care of their widowed mother. Grown, married and working as daily laborers, each one already struggled to provide for themselves and their families; Lajja’s situation was no better than her children’s. Poverty was her only companion in her bamboo hut. She prayed to her ancestors according to her religious beliefs, but no answer came. Isolated and discouraged, she could only conclude that her life had no worth.

Love Comes Knocking

In Lajja’s village, a group of believers regularly met and worshiped Jesus together in a makeshift structure, since they lacked a permanent place of worship. Because Jesus demonstrated deep compassion and concern for all people, these believers also desired to love and minister to others.

Pastor Niralal, the Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastor leading this fellowship, was well-aware of Lajja’s plight. Concerned for her well-being, Pastor Niralal and the believers began visiting Lajja almost every week, praying with her, encouraging her through God’s Word and giving her vegetables to help meet her physical needs. Pastor Niralal shared powerful truths with Lajja, explaining who Jesus is and how His love and grace is offered to all.

Desperation Replaced by Hope

Lajja enjoyed the visits she received from Pastor Niralal and believers, grateful for their company. After a few weeks, Lajja decided to attend their weekly worship service.

“I was desperate and lonely,” Lajja shared. “No one was there to help me or even talk [with me] when I am alone, but the pastor and believers came in my need and helped me a lot.”

For a whole year, Lajja fed on God’s Word at the worship services and grew in her love for Christ. As God worked in her heart and revealed more about His character to her, she embraced Christ as her Savior.

Although Lajja’s life is not free from difficulties, her faith in Jesus and her friendships with other believers reassure her that she will not face her struggles alone.

“I get peace through [the believers’] prayer support for me, and now I hope in the Lord,” she declares.


Read how God worked through another group of believers to comfort a struggling mother.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kian

    Thank you and thanks to God for doing exactly what Jesus does! Caring for the broken hearted and binding up their wounds so they can be healed!
    Kian from Norway

  2. Lillian

    I learned so much from this article. I too work with homeless aboriginal youth on their reserve. Sometimes it is hard, hopeless, when there is a total lack of resources to help them. Reading this, gave me strength and determination to go on and believe the Lord will never leave me. I trust in his love for everyone. Thank you.

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