Gift of Mosquito Net Provides Family Avenue of Hope

The mosquitoes that buzzed outdoors brought no comfort to Seafra’s family. For the 50-year-old father of four who farmed for a living, he knew that he had two options: He could use…

Gift distributions for mosquito nets, like the one pictured and the one Seafra attended, are organized to bless and uplift families at risk from malaria and other vector-borne diseases.

A Family’s Mustard Seed of Faith for a Mosquito Net

Sesen lived with her husband, Hachirou, and their three children in a small village. To survive, the family relied on the meager income generated from Hachirou’s job as a plumber and Sesen’s…

Mosquito nets like this one are essential items for families in South Asia. Such a net wasthe answer to Sesen and her family’s prayers.

Medical Needs Taken Care of Through Prayer, Goats

One dollar and thirty-eight cents—that was all Nadajay made per day working in the mines. The 45-year-old widow needed to provide for her two sons, but her daily income barely covered living…

Goats, like those pictured above, provide much-needed income as families in need can sell their offspring.

‘Sewing’ Seeds of Hope

Salihah was only 24 years old when she became a widow and single mother. Her husband, Padraic, had been killed in a motorcycle accident due to drunk driving. Padraic was the sole…

Salihah’s sewing machine helped her meet her family’s needs and bless others.