In a Sri Lanka village where no one had ever visited a doctor, Gospel for Asia Compassion Services teams provided medical checkups for more than 100 people.
“This was a historical day for the villagers,” wrote GFA’s correspondent, “since it was the first time they had an opportunity to attend a medical clinic—free of charge.”
Working with the local government, which helped sponsor the event, GFA-supported missionaries and Women’s Fellowship teams arranged for a group of doctors to work the mobile clinic.
On the day of the medical camp, 102 people came for their free medical care. The examinations included HIV/AIDs tests, gynecology services for women and eye exams for the elderly. Along with the checkups, the doctors shared hygienic advice to help the villagers prevent sickness and disease.
All of this was done in the name of Jesus, demonstrating to the villagers that they are loved by their Creator.
“This medical camp made a difference and added value to their lives,” wrote the correspondent.
This is an expression of love, I’d like to do this one day.