Trekking for Water

Clean water through BioSand water filtersMeghana walked out the door and headed once more down the rutted streets. Compelled by thirst, she trekked the familiar road to draw water from a well that was a little less than a mile away.

The well much closer to her home had so much salt in it that it was nearly impossible to drink. The wealthier people in her village had wells, but Meghana was a Dalit—she would never be allowed to drink their water.

A Stranger in the Village

One day, a man came to Meghana’s village and began making his way around the community, speaking to people at their homes.

Meghana heard someone just outside her house; the man who had been walking around the village was standing at her door.

He introduced himself as Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Harshad. Exhausted after so much walking, he asked her for a drink of water. Meghana hadn’t made the trek to fetch clean water that day, so she handed him a cup of the village’s salty well water instead.

Cup of Dirty Water Brings Unending Supply of Clean Water

The water tasted awful. Horrified to think this was the water many villagers normally had to drink, Pastor Harshad became determined to do what he could to help.

Later, the pastor returned to Meghana’s village and began distributing BioSand water filters to those most in need, including Meghana’s family.

Meghana thanked the pastor and told him how overjoyed she was. For the first time in their lives, her family would be able to drink purified water. She and her family are now eager to have the pastor visit. The BioSand water filter, and the genuine care Pastor Harshad was able to express by giving it, has opened many doors in this village for the love of Christ to be shared.

Now the only trek Meghana has to make is the few steps to her water filter.

Read another story of how BioSand water filters are blessing people even in prison.

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