He Couldn’t Breathe


Young Raya couldn’t help but overhear as her neighbor poured her heart out to Raya’s parents. The neighbor, Bulbul, shared how her husband, Samen, had been sick for a year. He had difficulty drawing each breath and his family was paying enormous amounts of money for treatments, in hopes of a cure. But his condition remained the same.

Bulbul shared about their latest visit to the doctor’s office. They recommended Samen be taken to a hospital, but the family’s finances would not allow it. Samen’s job was the only source of income in their home, and Bulbul wondered how they could survive.

Faith for a Miracle

Raya, a student in the local Gospel for Asia Bridge of Hope center, had learned to read the Bible and pray every day, asking God to meet her needs. As she listened to the adults talk, she knew Jesus could do a miracle, so she spoke up. Raya told Bulbul not to worry; she would ask her teachers at Bridge of Hope to pray for Samen. Jesus could heal Samen, Raya assured them. And then she ran to the center.

Raya explained her neighbors’ situation to Jivaj, the center’s director, and Jivaj decided to go visit the family’s home.

When Jivaj saw the seriousness of Samen’s condition, he shared the Gospel with the entire family. After he prayed for Samen, Jivaj told them that God could do a miracle; all they needed to do was believe.

Jivaj continued to visit and encourage Samen’s family each day, as they prayed and hoped for healing. Fifteen days later, God healed Samen.

Today, not only can Samen breathe freely, he has new life in Christ as well. And so does his entire family.

Please pray that God will continue to use Raya’s life, and for the Bridge of Hope center to bring many people to know Him.

Read how God used some young children’s prayers to change the life of their friend.


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