Flooding and Diseases
The flooding this region had experienced was very destructive, causing many villages’ water sources to be filled with mud, bacteria and viruses. Contamination flowed through the common stream of water, causing many sicknesses and, on occasion, even death.
Indra watched his 7-year-old daughter succumb to jaundice. He knew the water was making her sick, but the daily wage laborer couldn’t afford to purchase a water filter. Not many could.
Hope Found in a Glass
Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastors saw the struggle of those around them and, in response, held a BioSand water filter distribution. By God’s grace, they were able to provide 40 families with this life-saving gift. Indra and his family were one of those recipients.
“I will be ever grateful to [the church] for giving me this gift,” he said. “It will surely be an immense help for sustaining our lives.”
All those who were given the filters thankfully carried home their treasures filled with new hope. Not only do the BioSand water filters bring better health to the families, but the recipients have now witnessed the tangible love of Christ through a simple glass of clean water!
Read how Pastor Aslesh helped provide clean water with BioSand water filters in a needy village.