‘So Happy I Answered the Call’

Ashley, serving with Gospel for Asia (GFA) since 2012, shares her experiences as a student and then as a staff member. Her life and journey with Jesus has grown through the encouragement of being involved in the Christ-centered, missions-focused community.

I was only 18 years old when I decided to leave my home and family in Pennsylvania and come to Texas to join GFA’s School of Discipleship (SD).

During my SD year, it wasn’t so much the classes and the books I read that impacted me, although going through the books and classes were a good thing. It was seeing the Christian life lived out in a Christ-centered community that really impacted me and still does today.

This is Ashley. She is so grateful she followed the Lord’s call on her life, even when taking steps of faith were scary at times.

God spoke to me a lot that year through some godly leaders here at Gospel for Asia (GFA), who encouraged me to pursue Christ with all my heart. I can say without a doubt that this is exactly what my journey has been: pursuing God with all my heart and seeing others pursue Him too.

I only planned to be at Gospel for Asia (GFA) for my SD year, but the Lord had other plans. After graduation, He lead me to join staff. Each step I took following Jesus was literally by faith. Taking those steps of faith was scary for me at the time, but looking back, I don’t regret it.

Serving and Living in Christ-centered Community

It is my joy and privilege to now serve as a behind-the-scenes missionary here at Gospel for Asia (GFA) because I am growing more than I ever have before in my walk with God. Through my role in the office, I get to be part of people in Asia coming to know Christ for the first time and be part of an amazing Christ-centered community.

Being in this community has been super impactful in my walk with the Lord. We work together in the office, serve the community through many different service projects and help maintain the campus facilities together. Seeing and working closely with my brothers and sisters here and in other parts of the world, I have learned—and am still learning—what it looks like to serve others. I am learning how to love even when it’s hard, to forgive, to be patient and to be committed to the call God gave me even when circumstances around me make it tempting to give up.

I am so happy I answered the call when the Lord called me to serve Him. I have seen Him provide and show Himself faithful in my life over and over again.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Chris

    Thanks Ashley for sharing something of your walk with the Lord.I am now 75 as is my wife.
    , and over 50 years He has been faithful.Keep trusting, and make His word your daily bread everyday before eating as much as possible and He will bless you “above all that you can ask or think”for His glory.
    Chris & Liz

  2. Daniel

    Gloria a Dios por la preciosa vida de su Hijo Jesucristo que! Y Gloria sea a El por la vida de cada Hermano y Hermana que se regocijan en servir al Señor y hacer su voluntad! Bendito sea nuestro Glorioso Rey de reyes y Señor de señores el Único y Soberano Dios nuestro Padre a el sea el honor, la sabiduría, el Imperio por los siglos!
    amen loslos siglos

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