A girl on a bicycle zipped past Karrah as she walked to school. Karrah likely sighed enviously as she trudged the remaining steps of her three-mile journey. Already weary by the time she arrived at school, Karrah had to dig into her energy reserves to somehow focus on her studies.
There were times Karrah wondered if school was worth the difficulty to get there. Maybe she should just quit? If she did, she wouldn’t have to waste three hours a day walking, the heat zapping her energy in the summer and darkness beating her home in the winter.
Yes, perhaps quitting was the answer.
Looking for a Solution
Though Karrah’s parents worked hard as farmers, they barely managed to provide for teenaged Karrah and her three younger siblings. They wanted a better life for their children; that’s why they sent Karrah to school. But they worried about their daughter trekking more than three hours on foot by herself to and from school every day. A bicycle would help her tremendously, but Karrah’s parents could not afford one on their meager wages.
When Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Maddock learned of Karrah’s plight, his heart filled with compassion. It was a common problem for girls in his community. When students must walk long distances to school, the hardship can take a toll on their physical and mental capacity, as well as their enthusiasm, to learn and can lead many to drop out.[1]
Pastor Maddock didn’t want that to be the case for Karrah or others in their community. He organized a gift distribution in which 50 girls, including Karrah, received bicycles.
A Vehicle for a Better Future
Karrah’s face lit up with excitement and resolve when she saw her new bicycle; she would stay in school. She would gain an education for a better future, thanks to the bicycle that would now transport her.
“Now, I hardly take 20 minutes ride to reach the school and do not get tired,” Karrah said. “I also accompany my friends to school by riding [my] bicycle along with them. Before, I used to go alone to school, but now I got friends who like to come with me on my bicycle.”
A burden has lifted for Karrah’s parents as well. Now, their daughter can reach school with ease and journey on toward reaching her full potential.