God Gave Him a Vision

Distraught Woman

Gospel for Asia-supported Bible college students pray fervently about where God wants them to share the Gospel, and Sachh was no different. When he graduated, he knew. God had given him a vision of the exact village he was meant to reach.

Sachh had a passion for working among the poor and uneducated, and the people of this village were both. When he got there, however, he struggled to help them understand the love of Jesus.

He opened a tutoring center for their children and he offered Gospel literature, but most of the people were deeply committed to their traditional religions and had no desire for this God he kept talking about. It seemed as if Sachh had hit a wall—until he met Lavenia.

An Incurable Pain

After yet another failed witchdoctor came and went, it didn’t seem like she would ever find healing. But when a man named Sachh offered to pray for her healing, Lavenia decided to take him up on his offer.Another ritual, another treatment—no matter what Lavenia tried, she was still tormented by severe stomach pain. As much as she’d spent on expert care, she still was unable to keep down food for longer than five minutes.

The instant Sachh prayed, Lavenia knew she had made the right choice. The pain left her entirely!

She eagerly listened as Sachh told her about the God who had healed her, and before long, she and her family were gathering each week to learn more.

From One Came Many

And the new fellowship’s numbers kept growing. Pastor Sachh was overjoyed. As the Good News spread, he began three more fellowships in the area.

These new believers are eager to take the Word even farther, so with their help, Pastor Sachh now takes a boat to a nearby area to share the love of Christ with the people there—and these people sail back to attend church services.

As the church continues to expand, Pastor Sachh knows that the time he spent praying for God’s direction and all those months he ministered without results was worthwhile. He knows he is exactly where God wants him to be.

Learn how God is using national missionaries across Asia to bring hope to the hopeless.


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