Stern faces surrounded the film team. Anger stifled the air. Outrageous, harsh warnings were shouted at the missionaries—a stark contrast to the beauty and hushed awe the film had brought to the rest of the crowd that had gathered.
“Why are you showing the film here?” the young men shouted. “You are not allowed to screen here. Leave this place now.”
The film team members were aware of the dangers, and they were afraid. The angry mob closed in on them, ready to beat the men who had come to share the peace of Christ. But as they grabbed a hold of them, something unknown stopped them, and the furious men turned away.
Switching off the projector, the film team gathered up their equipment. They heeded the stern warnings from the group and moved on, but rejection didn’t stop them. By God’s grace, the team ended up showing the same film that night in a village nearby.
‘He Said I Could Be a Cancer Patient’
In another village, on another day, Balbir sat with wonder. The same film, set before his eyes, touched a place deep within his heart. As he watched the dramatized film, he was awestruck by this Jesus who seemed filled with love and compassion. As Jesus reached out, healing the sick, the lame and the blind, Balbir began to believe He could heal his body, too.
After the film show ended, Balbir made his way to the GFA-supported film team members. He then proceeded to share his story:
“One week [ago], I went for a health checkup and the doctor warned me to undergo three months’ medication, because he said I could be a cancer patient. He had given me some precautionary medicines. Today, when I came here, I believed God healed me while Jesus was healing many people in the show.”
In response to hearing Balbir’s testimony, the film team members prayed for him. They advised him to go to the same doctor to get another checkup. Sure enough, the doctor announced there were no signs of cancer in his body. Balbir was healed!
Because of this miraculous healing, Balbir discovered Christ Jesus is able and willing to heal. Balbir began to attend the local church, and he is growing in his love and faith in the Lord.
A Unique Calling
God has given film teams a unique calling. As they travel and share the hope of Jesus through film, many lives are impacted like Balbir’s. Although it is not always easy and some teams face opposition, they are committed to displaying Christ’s joy wherever they find themselves. As many can testify, this film and the love poured through the film team is impacting lives and hearts for eternity.
Read how God touched hearts through a film and an unexpected chain of events.