It wouldn’t be a shock if Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastor Jaiwant was worn out by his job leading three fellowships and ministering in surrounding villages. One of the fellowships was an hour away, and another was three hours. When Jaiwant traveled, there was only one way of transportation: by foot.
Jaiwant had enrolled in Bible college shortly after embracing Christ, and once he graduated, he eagerly returned home to share with his home village what he had learned. Every day, he talked with people in his village and traveled to new villages that he had yet to hear of.
Soon, the small fellowship in Pastor Jaiwant’s village began to grow, and new ones sprouted in surrounding places. Still, having no vehicle made nurturing the new believers difficult, so in 2012, his leaders decided to give him a bicycle.
Since then, Pastor Jaiwant has been able to greatly increase his work, spending less time traveling to his fellowships and more time caring for his fellow believers.
Now when believers need prayer, Pastor Jaiwant can easily go and pray for them and even take sick believers to the hospital. When he isn’t nurturing his flock, he also has more time to visit other villages.
“I am so grateful to the Lord for blessing me with this bicycle, which has become an effective instrument to do more work for the Lord,” Pastor Jaiwant said. “Earlier, I could not visit many places due to limited travel facilities, but now, with the help of the bicycle, I am able to reach many new villages with the Good News.”
Learn more about how bicycles equip GFA missionaries to do more work in less time.