In six short days, God chose to answer the prayers of three groups of believers with a resounding yes. Each group had been praying for a place of worship to gather in for times of prayer, adoration and learning from the local pastor. One December, around Christmastime, these groups of believers received incredible gifts as their new places of worship opened their doors for the first time.
Church Outgrows Meeting Place
Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastor Baru led worship services and prayer meetings for several believers, but they lacked enough space for them to gather. Some were deterred from coming regularly to prayer meetings because the space was too small to comfortably hold the number of people who attended.
At the inauguration of their place of worship, the believers were excited for the new building and thankful for the space it allowed. They expressed their gratitude, saying, “We had been praying for a long time to have a church building of our own.”
Community Constructs New Building
Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastor Meli spent much of his time traveling throughout his village and the surrounding areas, meeting his neighbors and praying for healing from sicknesses. Soon, there was a group of 45 believers from various villages in need of a place to meet.
They prayed diligently for a permanent place of worship, and God provided them with the opportunity to build one. Construction of the building went smoothly, and the believers were soon celebrating the opening of their new church home with grateful hearts.
Donated Land Provides for Believers’ Needs
The third place of worship was an answer to prayer for Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastor Bahaj and 39 other believers. They had quickly discovered their need for a larger worship space and had been praying for a building that could fit their growing gatherings and accommodate more ministry functions.
After much prayer, the believers were blessed with a building on land donated by a fellow believer. They joyfully marked its opening with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, a worship service and a celebratory feast.
For each of these communities of believers, the opening of their new worship place—one that meets their needs now and for the future—was an answer to faithful prayers.
Please take a moment to learn about the additional benefits a place of worship provides. Your support of a building effort is an answer to prayer for a group of believers in need of a church home.