A Broken Heart to Bring Her Hope

A national missionary reached herAfter all his romantic efforts, Tapomay had only ever received Vaanadhi’s rejection. However, someone must have told him that persistence pays off because once he found Vaanadhi’s phone number, the young man didn’t stop calling.

At first, Vaanadhi was irritated by the constant disruption, but when Tapomay proposed marriage, she was moved by his deep love for her. They secretly began a love affair, and Tapomay promised they would get married. But after a few months, Tapomay changed his mind and told Vaanadhi he wouldn’t continue the relationship.

Vaanadhi was shattered by the unexpected decision. She hid away in her room, refused to eat and cut off her relationships with everyone. She even thought of ending her life.

When Vaanadhi’s family found out what had happened, they tried to comfort her, but nothing they said cured her despair. When Vaanadhi met Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Zacchaeus and shared her story, she was prepared to receive the same meaningless comforts. But Pastor Zacchaeus had something different to offer.

One Who Loves Her More

Pastor Zacchaeus told Vaanadhi not to be discouraged because there is someone who loves her more than any human. He shared how Jesus had died for Vaanadhi. He prayed for her and counseled her not to dwell on the past anymore.

“I am blessed after talking with you,” Vaanadhi told him, and soon she began attending the pastor’s church.

Pastor Zacchaeus gave Vaanadhi a Bible to read, and as she read, God worked in her heart. Instead of sorrow, she began to feel true joy as she decided to follow Christ.

Although her parents oppose her choice, Vaanadhi remains firm in her faith and hopes to serve the Lord full time. Like Tapomay, she is confident persistence will pay off, but only when it’s directed toward One who is worthy.

Find out how God is using national missionaries like Pastor Zacchaeus to mend broken hearts across Asia.

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