Believers in Myanmar (Burma) found a special way to celebrate Christmas last year. They organized a Gospel music festival in a paddy field near a Gospel for Asia-supported Bible college.
On December 11, 2011, more than 3,000 people gathered to hear 24 Burmese singers sing Christmas songs. The singers, many of whom were once addicted to opium and alcohol before they gave their lives to Christ, also shared their testimonies. They explained to the crowd how their lives totally changed after receiving the love of Jesus in their hearts.
The GFA country leader in Myanmar also had the opportunity to share about Christmas with the mixed audience of believers and nonbelievers.
“Christmas means Jesus Christ came to the world for all people to save us from our sins,” he said. “Christmas is not only for Christians, but it’s for all people.”
Through hearing his message, many came to know Jesus is the living God for every tribe and people.
The Bible college students also passed out 5,000 Gospel tracts during the event.
“We surely hope that many people will come to understand the love of Christ by reading the Gospel tracts in the days to come,” said a GFA correspondent. “We really thank God for enabling us to conduct the music festival to explain what the meaning of Christmas is to thousands of nonbelievers.”