Satish Sona laid in bed, unable to move. He could see men and women going about their daily tasks with ease, while his paralysis left him devoid of life. He slept often to escape the reality of his circumstances, and when he wasn’t sleeping, one question kept entering his thoughts: How am I going to take care of my wife and child?
His parents and siblings left him and his family when Satish became too much of an emotional and financial burden to them. They had tried to find ways to heal him. They took him to doctors and temples. They gave him medicine and went on pilgrimages to offer their gods and goddesses fruit, hens, goats, coconuts and their money for their son’s healing, but the paralysis lingered for eight long months.
When his parents abandoned him, any hope Satish had of being able to walk left with them. As Satish despaired and worried over his wife and child, the Lord brought a Gospel for Asia-supported pastor into his life.
Feeling God’s Power
Gerrard knocked on Satish’s door while sharing God’s love in his village. He learned of Satish’s condition and told him and his wife about the Great Physician, who heals without any need for material offerings.
Satish and his wife listened as hope began to well in their hearts. They eagerly joined in Gerrard’s prayer for Satish, believing Jesus could heal him.
As Gerrard prayed, Satish began to feel strange sensations coursing through his arms and legs.
“A kind of power came upon me like fire, and I started sweating,” Satish recalls. “I did not know what was happening with me. At the end of the prayer, I was shocked to find out there was feeling in my hands and legs. It was a surprising and incredible thing for me to believe.
“All of a sudden I felt like I was healed, and I started walking. But after walking two or three steps, I fell again and was in the same condition. However, I had faith that the Lord Jesus would heal me completely.”
And that He did. One month later, Satish was up and walking as if he had never been paralyzed. Now, he is able to take care of his wife and child without any worries. Both he and his wife committed their hearts to Christ after experiencing this miraculous healing.
Committed No Matter the Opposition
Their relatives discouraged them from attending church and becoming Christians, but Satish says he will not deny the One who brought him healing and filled his life with hope.
“He gave him hope from the hopeless condition and raised him up from the sleeping bed,” said a GFA field correspondent. “Satish gives all honor and glory to Jesus for what He has done for him.”
What a powerful testimony of the love of God & the healing power of the Great Physician! Praise God!
May He give Satish & his wife courage,provision as they share Him with others!
This is wonderful! All these healings taking place – Jesus is wonderful. Does anyone know why God doesn’t heal that much in America?
I believe it’s the Lack of Faith. Faith is: to really believe in something u cant see. We as Americans need to do God’s work insted of “just” praying for him to do something. When our spirit was made new in Christ, as we live through Christ. He has given us authority over this world. Greater is He that is in me than he who is in this World. -IJohn 4:4-His word is our inheritance, our Will. He left it for us to be like him until He returns. Th word is th deed to our Life. As we read the Word daily, that’s how we live in Christ and Christ in us. God Bless.