Not many 6-year-olds know how to take care of a baby, but that’s just what Jeeval had to learn. After his father died, his mother, Laksha, had nowhere to turn for help. She looked for work and performed menial tasks to earn some income, but whenever Laksha found labor for the day, she had to leave her 11-month-old daughter in the hands of her young son. And whenever Jeeval had to watch his sister, he couldn’t go to school.
Eventually Jeeval dropped out of school entirely because his mother didn’t have enough money to buy him the books or clothes he needed to attend.
But unlike countless children who remain in such desperate situations their whole lives, Jeeval’s life took a turn for the better.
After a few months of living in this difficult condition, Laksha wound up in a conversation with some of the staff from a local Gospel for Asia (GFA) Bridge of Hope center. When the staff members found out about her struggles and the challenges she faced trying to care for her children, they encouraged her to send Jeeval to the Bridge of Hope center.
In July of 2005, Jeeval, a skinny and dirty little boy, walked into the Bridge of Hope center for the first time. Through the years, the staff helped him with his studies and often encouraged him. When Greeshma, Jeeval’s sister, grew old enough, she also entered the center. Today, this boy and his sister are happy, healthy and hopeful.
Their hope came through the love and compassion of the teachers and staff at the Bridge of Hope center. Because of their kindness and positive influence, Jeeval, his mother and his sister came to understand the love of Jesus.
“My children are studying well through the help of Bridge of Hope, and also they are helping me in house works,” Laksha said recently. “We are happy that God provided such a help through the Bridge of Hope. We believe in Jesus. He has done so many miracles for my family.”
Through a seemingly chance encounter, God changed the direction of this suffering family, bringing them hope for today as well as new life in Jesus.
Ptl for his intervention. I will pray daily for this family, they are on my prayer list. Thank you Lord
PRAISE THE LORD FOR THE “BRIDGE OF HOPE”.LAKSHA, JESUS will never leave you, HE will be your strength and as
Philippians 4:19 says, “HE will supply “ALL” your needs according to HIS riches in glory through CHRIST JESUS!” and
also my favorite..”Cast all your cares upon JESUS for HE cares for “YOU!”….JESUS IS THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN SATISFY
YOUR SOUL!..lAKSHA, JESUS loves you more than you can measure. Jeeval, JESUS has so much planned for you and
your sister. JESUS will continue to give you strength and bless you over abundantly. YOU are already a blessing to
thousands all over the world; JESUS, through HIS indwelling HOLY SPIRIT that resides in you, your MOM and sister,
will bless you with many fruits of your labour. KEEP TRUSTING IN HIM. MY “PRAYERS” WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU.
(What you, JEEVAL have done, your testimony will reach many people and truly will encourage them PRAISE THE LORD!…LOVE YOU!)