Bahar’s husband was gone. Stricken by cancer, he passed away after fighting it for a year. Bahar and her four children were devastated. Not long after her husband’s passing, Bahar herself fell ill with the very same type of cancer that had claimed her husband’s life. Fear and desperation threatened the ailing widow and her children.
Tragedy After Tragedy
Bahar lives in a rural village in Asia where traditional rituals are followed. Bahar had been especially rigorous in her adherence. But after her husband’s death and her subsequent diagnosis with cancer, Bahar’s faith was shaken. Often did she think of her children, wondering what would happen to them should she die. That thought grew unbearable at times.
Bahar sought treatment from doctors and local holy sites, hoping for anything to heal her. But nothing worked, and day after day, Bahar’s condition worsened.
One Final Option
One of the doctors Bahar consulted with was at his wit’s end. No amount of medicine, treatment or remedies he prescribed helped the poor widow in any way. But, he thought, there was one last avenue they could try.
The next time Bahar visited her doctor, he suggested she go to a local church. The doctor knew of various people who had been completely healed there, even when hope was lost. All other means exhausted, Bahar was willing to try anything.
Sometime later, Bahar found herself in a church led by Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastor Raz. After hearing of this widow’s plight, Pastor Raz and the entire congregation began to pray in earnest. Days turned into weeks; weeks turned into months as the congregation continued to pray for Bahar.
Faithfully, Pastor Raz and the believers lifted up Bahar. The love shown by the congregation touched the widow’s heart and she gradually began to place her faith in Jesus. Bahar would visit the church regularly for continued prayer and encouragement. Five years later, a miracle happened. The cancer began to recede.
Rejoicing in her improved health, Bahar and the congregation continually prayed for complete healing. After four more years, the cancer vanished. Bahar was healed.
Rejoicing in Healing
Bahar now rejoices in her journey of healing and in her newfound faith that grew during those years. Gratitude to God floods her heart, not only because she lived to see her children marry and bless her with grandchildren but also because of the renewed life He has given her.
“Blessed am I that I experienced the love of Jesus,” Bahar said. “I will live for the Lord alone till my death.”
She and her entire family continued to gather regularly, rejoicing with their fellow believers. And as a result of Bahar’s healing from cancer, two other families also started relationships with Christ!
Click here to learn more about the plight of widows in Asia.
How encouraging it is to here of God’s saving and healing power. Many are praying for our son-in-law diagnosed with cancer. His name is Todd. Please lift him up to the Lord. Not sure he is saved.