Cahel’s diagnosis came back: The 28-year-old man had type 1 diabetes., which requires patients to take insulin injections quite frequently—something Cahel could barely afford.
Debilitating Disease
Cahel lived with his wife, Abani, and their young son in one of Asia’s numerous slums. Before Cahel was diagnosed with diabetes, he worked as a factory laborer, earning enough to provide for his family. After his diagnosis, however, Cahel needed to visit the hospital three days out of the week to receive his medication. His diabetes also made it impossible to stand for long periods of time, a requirement of factory work.
Forced to quit his job, Cahel had no other ways of providing for his family. All of Cahel and Abani’s funds went toward his treatments. The family’s finances slowly ebbed away. By the time Cahel turned 35, the family’s situation was dire.
Searching for and Finding Help
The slum Cahel and Abani lived in was prone to severe flooding during the rainy season. Much like their neighbors, Cahel and Abani could not afford to move. With nowhere else to go, the family weathered the floods. However, during a season of particularly dangerous flooding, Cahel and Abani received a first aid kit through a Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported relief distribution. Remembering the help they received from the congregation, Cahel and Abani contacted the local church leader to seek additional aid.
Some Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers responded to Cahel’s call by visiting the family. Upon seeing the family’s need, they were determined to do something. They learned Cahel was able to operate a grass trimmer, so they provided him with one, along with a bicycle. Cahel could now go to surrounding areas on his bicycle and earn an income using the trimmer.
“I am so happy and thankful,” Cahel emphatically says. “I called out to many people to help me, but no one came forward. … It was only the [Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported leaders and workers] who came to our house, talked with us, prayed for us and then also helped me to build our family life again by giving us a gift [so] we can have financial stability. Now I can earn [an income] and provide for the needs of my family.”
Abani expressed her gratitude as well, saying, “This gift of the grass-cutter machine and bicycle is the greatest gift to us.”
Read of another family blessed with an income-generating gift.