Learning Obedience Instead of Swear Words

Foul words flew from Saloni’s mouth shaped like arrows pointed at her father, Laksh. Hot with anger at his young teen’s continual insolence, Laksh put his foot down and disciplined Saloni. But…

Saloni (pictured) wandered down a rebellious path with misleading friends and ignored her parents’ counsel. Then she heard the story of Noah, which changed her life.

Village Learns to Value Education

Kuvira, Sabeena, Aamaal and Binita walked along the dirt road flanked by lush landscape that seemed to embrace them, inviting the four ladies to continue down to the village nestled near the…

Bodhi, like the other women in her village, did not understand the value of education until four Sisters of Compassion came to her village and started a literacy class. Through that class, Bodhi experienced the blessings of literacy in everyday life.

Dreams of Motherhood Resurrected

Matali’s hand unconsciously lingered over her flat belly, and tears that were eager to be her morning companion sprang up. Two white saris flitted by outside, catching Matali’s eye. She pushed back…

Matali, Ayush and Ayush’s mother pray and fellowship with the Sisters of Compassion every Wednesday. There is hope and excitement in the group as Matali’s fourth pregnancy continues free of her previous troubles.