Perette carefully folded up her family’s most treasured possessions. She, her husband and their two children all made sure these precious items were well protected from the elements or any adventurous rodent that tried to take a nibble. These winter garments were old and full of holes, but they were one of the only things protecting the family from the cold nights—however little they could.
A Family’s Fight Against the Cold
Perette and her husband, Huston, both worked in a brick kiln, making bricks from morning until evening. Their children accompanied Perette and Huston to the brickyard, running around unsupervised instead of enjoying the privilege of going to school. The money Perette and Huston made was enough to feed and house the family, but it was not enough to provide for their children’s education and purchase clothing and other necessities.
And, because they lived in an area where the temperatures can drop close to freezing, staying warm during the cold winter nights was essential. Otherwise, they lost sleep, which meant they couldn’t work as hard or earn enough money for their children. So, after every winter season, Perette and Huston made sure to properly store their treasured winter clothing because they knew they wouldn’t be able to afford to buy new items—and they didn’t have thick, warm blankets or quilts.
A New Treasure
Fortunately, Perette and Huston were members of a local church led by GFA pastor Serek. The pastor came to know of the family’s need of warmth during the winter season and knew he could help.
At the next gift distribution, Perette was incredibly thankful to receive a new, thick blanket. Now, she and her family would not have to brave the cold with only the threadbare clothes they had. The warm blanket they received was large enough for the entire family to share and thick enough to protect against the low winter temperatures. When Perette and Huston’s children saw their new blanket, their excitement knew no bounds.
Like their old winter clothes, the family took extra care of their new blanket, the children especially. Every morning after waking up, the kids would carefully fold the blanket and place it in its cover. The blanket had become another treasured possession, one that was given in the love of Jesus Christ.
Read how you can help other families ward off the cold by giving them warm blankets.