Bhadra has learned not to expect much from her husband, Jugnu. He has a job painting, yet their family’s house remain unfinished and unpainted. Every day Jugnu spends the money he makes on alcohol and gives nothing to Bhadra for their family’s needs.
Her Children Needed to Eat
Bhadra had to get a job as a housemaid in several homes in order to feed her family. She leaves home for work as soon as her children head to school, and then she comes back midday to make lunch when they return. Her evening is spent cleaning more homes. With her small income, she’s able to provide for most of the family’s needs.
As the chilly and rainy monsoon season approached, Bhadra was faced with a new difficulty: She had no way of keeping her children warm.
“I had made some bedding with old clothes and worn-out saris of mine, by stitching them together,” she explained, “but those are not capable of protecting us from severe cold.”
A Blanket of Love
“The church thought about our poor family and helped us in our time of need,” Bhadra shares gratefully.
Her daughter Pallavi is enrolled in a Bridge of Hope center, and when the staff members discovered the family’s condition, Gospel for Asia’s gift distribution program provided them with a blanket.
“I am so happy for receiving this blanket,” Bhadra said. “This protected me and my children from the breezy monsoon weather at this time. Thank you for considering my situation and for this timely help.”
See how a simple blanket can bring hope to a family.