A Broken Marriage Redeemed

http://gospelforasia-reports.org/?p=2915Janaki’s marriage was not one of love and faithfulness, and her heartbroken husband knew it. Janaki hadn’t hidden her affair with a younger man well. In the two years of her affair, her family—and even the other villagers—had caught onto her unfaithfulness.

She understood the pain she was causing her husband and that the extramarital relationship was wrong, but still, she would not end it. Knowing how much the people in her community hated her made Janaki think about how sinful and hopeless she really was.

Suicide started to look like the only way out of a situation so painful to both Janaki and her husband. Their marriage seemed too broken to mend.

One day, though, Gospel for Asia missionary Tanay came to Janaki’s village to share the love and hope of Jesus. Janaki heard the Gospel and was brought to tears. She sorrowfully shared with Tanay about the sin in her life and the desperation she felt. Tanay prayed with her and promised he and his wife would visit her and her husband in the coming days.

When Tanay and his wife visited the couple’s home, they further explained to the two that the Lord readily forgives everyone who repents of their sins. Janaki understood the hope that is found in Jesus’ forgiveness, and she decided to follow Him that day. Her husband’s eyes filled with tears as he realized Jesus would make it possible for him to forgive Janaki for everything that had happened.

“Jesus has given us a new life and a heart to forgive my wife,” Janaki’s husband tearfully shared with Tanay.

The couple’s life was transformed after their encounter with the missionary and with God. Janaki promptly ended the relationship that had caused so much damage, and now her heart is full of love for Jesus and for her husband. Instead of feeling the shame of her sinfulness, Janaki rests in the forgiveness of God and her husband.

You can pray for national missionaries like Tanay as they share the Good News.


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