Hester was an educated woman. At 20 years old, she had graduated with a bachelor’s degree in science, an enormous accomplishment for anyone her age but especially for a woman living in a region where many women are not afforded the opportunity to learn to read and write. Even with all her education, however, Hester was one day confronted with a subject of which she had no knowledge: Jesus.
Still Learning
After graduating from college, Hester looked diligently for a job. She was interested in a government job but had no success finding one.
One day during this job-hunting season, Hester met Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Andro, who asked her if she knew anything about Jesus.
“I have heard about Christian people … ,” Hester said, “but, to be frank, I have never encountered such people and have no idea about your faith.”
“If you are interested to know about the life of Jesus Christ,” Pastor Andro replied, “I would like to share with you who Jesus is and what Christians believe.”
A bit hesitant but intrigued, Hester admitted she was curious. For the next several minutes, the young woman listened intently as Pastor Andro shared about Jesus Christ and his own story of coming to know Jesus.
As Hester considered Pastor Andro’s words, they began to sink into her mind and penetrate her heart. She was eager to hear more about the pastor’s faith.
“If it is true,” Hester said, “then I would like to know more about Jesus and the Christian faith.”
She readily received the Scriptures Pastor Andro offered her and promised to read them so she could better understand this Jesus.
When Pastor Andro left his new friend that day, he trusted the Lord would reveal Himself to the inquisitive young woman.
True to her word, Hester faithfully read the Word of God. The words seemed to come alive, sparking questions that prompted Hester to reach out to Pastor Andro repeatedly to gain a better understanding of her reading.
Lessons Become Personal
When Hester learned she could present her concerns to God in prayer, she reflected on the needs in her life and thought of her job search.
“I have a desire to get a government job,” she told Pastor Andro. “Please pray for me that the Lord would grant me one and fulfill my desire.”
Soon after Hester presented this prayer request, she discovered a job opening at the post office and eagerly applied. A letter arrived, inviting Hester to interview for the position. She was overjoyed at the prospect and deeply touched by the kindness of God in opening a door in her job search.
Through the lessons Hester learned from God’s Word and her personal experience watching God answer her prayers, the bright young woman has grown not only in her knowledge of Jesus but in her faith as well. Her enthusiasm for learning God’s Word is clear, and she continually invites her friends to come with her to Sunday services.
The college graduate is a lifelong student and this newest subject—learning more about who Jesus is as He reveals Himself through Scriptures and in her life—promises to be a topic she will enjoy for the rest of her days.
Read the story of Sigrid, another young woman whose life was changed by the power of God’s Word.