Children all throughout South Asia are being impacted on a daily basis through Bridge of Hope, and other various ministries of Gospel for Asia.

Learning Obedience Instead of Swear Words

Foul words flew from Saloni’s mouth shaped like arrows pointed at her father, Laksh. Hot with anger at his young teen’s continual insolence, Laksh put his foot down and disciplined Saloni. But…

Saloni (pictured) wandered down a rebellious path with misleading friends and ignored her parents’ counsel. Then she heard the story of Noah, which changed her life.

Medical Care Brought Near

Jamar and Evelyn were fortunate to be working. Income as a driver and schoolteacher kept their family of four floating above the extreme poverty line that so many of their neighbors were…

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Despite their steady jobs, Jamar and his wife struggled to afford healthy foods and medical care for themselves or their young daughters.

No Money for Medicine

Enough was enough, the laborers decided. Kandhara’s fellow tea laborers began protesting their working conditions and low pay. As the days turned into weeks and months, the protests continued—which meant no pay…

Kandhara (pictured) received free treatment through the medical camp that her son’s Bridge of Hope center had organized.

Washing Hands Saves Lives

According to a 2010 report consolidated by the Centers for Disease Control with information from the World Health Organization, 2,195 children die every day from diarrhea—which is more than AIDS, malaria and…

Residents of this leprosy colony received hand soap and hygiene instructions from GFA-supported workers in celebration of Global Handwashing Day.

Bridge of Hope Relieves Grandmother, Orphans

Gnana clearly remembers the day her granddaughters moved in. The burden of caring for them became a heavy weight on her elderly frame. At age 70, how was she possibly going to…

Masara (left) and Serena (right) lost their father, mother, home and future security at very young ages. Bridge of Hope has enabled their grandmother to care for them physically, mentally and emotionally by providing a loving environment, school supplies, a daily meal and much more.