Learning Obedience Instead of Swear Words

Foul words flew from Saloni’s mouth shaped like arrows pointed at her father, Laksh. Hot with anger at his young teen’s continual insolence, Laksh put his foot down and disciplined Saloni. But…

Saloni (pictured) wandered down a rebellious path with misleading friends and ignored her parents’ counsel. Then she heard the story of Noah, which changed her life.

Dreams of Motherhood Resurrected

Matali’s hand unconsciously lingered over her flat belly, and tears that were eager to be her morning companion sprang up. Two white saris flitted by outside, catching Matali’s eye. She pushed back…

Matali, Ayush and Ayush’s mother pray and fellowship with the Sisters of Compassion every Wednesday. There is hope and excitement in the group as Matali’s fourth pregnancy continues free of her previous troubles.

Medical Care Brought Near

Jamar and Evelyn were fortunate to be working. Income as a driver and schoolteacher kept their family of four floating above the extreme poverty line that so many of their neighbors were…

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Despite their steady jobs, Jamar and his wife struggled to afford healthy foods and medical care for themselves or their young daughters.

Rescuers on a Bus

Utsang sat atop the bus and ordered the driver to stop. The other passengers stared at Utsang while he shook uncontrollably. Then they jumped to his aid when he tried to kill…

Utsang (pictured) was drowning in depression until Christ brought him into new life.

A Defense Against Malaria

An old, tattered net is all that separated 71-year-old Bhranti from the mosquitoes buzzing outside her home. Any one of those pesky insects potentially carried a historically feared disease: malaria. Danger All…

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Bhranti, pictured here, no longer has to worry about mosquitoes biting her in the night thanks to the new net she received.

Lonely Man Revived by the Turn of a Dial

Kvanh grew up in a harsh mountain climate, toiling away alongside his family to cultivate land for their livelihood. Unable to go to school, Kvanh spent his time studying religious books with…

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A radio program about Jesus reached the lonely Kvanh as he sat in his shop waiting for customers. He found hope in the message, and when he met a GFA-supported national worker, Kvanh felt he was meeting a friend.

Concerned Believer Prays for Dying Widow

Carina watched her neighbor Sahana walk down the road to clean yet another house. Sahana’s frail frame hardly looked capable of helping in someone’s home, yet the determined—and desperate—young woman pushed herself…

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These ladies from Women’s Fellowship pray for a woman’s healing, just as Carina prayed for Sahana during her illness.