Kavana, a 22-year-old in Asia, shares her story of God’s faithfulness in her life.
“When I was 16 years old, suddenly my father passed away. After that, my mother and I became helpless. We had no work to earn money and meet our needs.
“As the days went by, the condition at home went from bad to worse. My mother began to work as a daily wage laborer, and through that little income, we took care of our needs. A few years later, my mother asked me to take up a job, . . . but I was reluctant thinking about how I would be working in someone else’s house or shop, and plus, I had no idea what kind of work I would be asked to do. …
“Though I was born and brought up in a Christian family, we very rarely sat in God’s presence. We never separated time for prayer or worship. …
Seeing The Personal Jesus
“One day, my mother happened to meet with a Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastor named Sajan. . . My mother [heard about the depth of God’s love]. Touched by the message, my mother asked him to visit our house for prayer. So the pastor started visiting our house regularly. … Every week he visited our home and conducted house prayer meetings. He taught us good and moral things, as well as about the Lord.
“One particular day, while [Pastor Sajan] was sharing from the Word of God, the Holy Spirit touched my heart. The Word of God penetrated my heart . . . I made a commitment saying that I will bless the Lord always and that I would follow Him all the days of my life. No matter what problem may come into my personal or family life, I will never leave my Jesus. …
Hope For A Future
“Later, through the help of Pastor Sajan, I got an opportunity to learn tailoring work. … Thereafter I was in urgent need of a sewing machine, but I had no money to buy it.
“I shared about this particular need in the church and asked the church members to pray for my need to be met. The pastor and believers began to pray for me. I also prayed sincerely to the Lord Jesus to meet my needs so that I could help my mother in running the family smoothly. … Whenever I would get any kind of discouragement, I would just read the Bible. I would just tell myself that my Jesus is with me . . .
A Glad Visit
“One day, Pastor Sajan visited our house and said to me, ‘Sister Kavana, God has heard and answered your prayers.’ He then told me that I was going to receive a sewing machine the next day. When I heard this wonderful news, my joy had no bounds! That very moment I thanked God for His every blessing, which He had bestowed upon my life.
“The following day, on December 15, 2012, with gladness, along with my mother, I went to [the] church where the Christmas gift distribution program was held. There I saw the cheerful faces of many people as they were going to receive different gifts . . . I thanked God for His love and care towards my family.
“After I received the sewing machine, . . . I wondered if the local people would give their clothes to me for stitching or not. So, with prayer and fasting, I started the stitching work at my house. The Lord indeed answered my prayers. As of now, God has given me a lot of stitching work at my house, and I am very thankful to my God for providing me a new way to earn money and run my family smoothly and happily. I pray that God will continue to use Pastor Sajan . . . mightily in the mission field to share His love to many and to help needy and poor people like me.”
May God increase your business as you focus on Him. Jesus loves you very much. Keep smiling for Jesus; his love can be easily seen in your smile.
What a very nice story. I have a very nice old singer treadle sewing machine a good friend gave me. I had it reconditioned, bought a new belt, but the belt keeps slipping, I cut it and tightened it several times, but the new leather belt just keeps slipping. I learned to sew on one almost like that when I was about 12 years old. I would love to get it working. I do not need it, but it would be nice to get that belt from slipping. I have 2 other electric sewing machines, that I do most of my sewing on, I am very happy for this young girl. Sue
Wonderful! I love this commitment to our Lord Jesus. Yes, never to leave the One Who never leaves us!
Wonderful work being performed by Gospel for Asia !
The Gospel is preached and the means for
the self help for the Believers is provided !
May God continue to Bless Gospel for Asia
and its Pastors, Teachers and Helpers…
very humbling….to see people who get simple gifts but to them its worth so much and they are using it for the extension of the kingdom in some way…that’s what we called to do…spread the good news…and win souls
To God be the glory great things he has done and will continue to do if we just continue to trust him .Great story and an inspiration to me
Thank you for sharing your testimony. It has fallen upon me as a gift. Jesus is always with us! we are the fortunate ones indeed 🙂
it fills my soul with joy to see prayers being answered! I’m so glad I was to Gospel for Asia a number of years ago. To see the work that is being done is incredible. My friend then I were very fortunate to give a junior barnyard to a deserving family this year. May God get all the glory!
I am sioux indian an was brought up with my uncles they went around preaching an teaching the gospel word of our savior and redeemer. I enjoy reading these stories. I pray for the young girl an many more to be blessed with thier needs. God Bless You All at this special time of year. I would like to share i am having surgery on my right arm my rotater cuff is torn an pray i can get better fast an get back to work. Thank you n GOD BLESS &Merry Christmas n Happy New Year. Lily from South Dakota
Thank God for his faithfulness to the body of Christ. He is ever loving and kind to meet our needs as it says in Philippians 4:19 he provides for our needs and his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. God bless you and your ministry and your family. Love in Christ Jesus Will and Connie
Wow this is so inspiring. I just read this after my 22nd birthday! Praise god, he always gives the best gifts 🙂
To god be the glory grate things he has done with god and faith we can move mountain keep up the good work and continued to trust god ,god bless your family
I pray that Our Lord Jesus Christ will Bless you Abundantly in the year 2017, God Bless You and your family.
Praying for your healing Lily! I have a heart daughter who is Dene (northern Canada First Nations people). She is reconnecting with her culture which is very healing for her, but would you pray she will also reconnect with Jesus as her Saviour? Merry Christmas!
Like all the testimonies I read from Gospel for Asia they bring joy and happiness to my heart. I know God does not stop working in the souls of men. It does not matter where they are God loves them and He will do whatever it takes for people to know HIM and know of HIS love for them. This great story made me cry. Such a humble and simple situation, like a sewing machine, means so much to this young lady and her family. May our Great and Awesome God continue to pour his Holy Spirit in all areas in Asia and may there be a revival in that land. To God be All the Glory, Power and Might.
Kavana, thank you for your wonderful and inspiring testimony. God is so good. He knows our need before we do and is more then able to meet it, as He did with you. Keep trusting Him and sharing what He has done and believe what He is going to do. God Bless and keep sowing for Christ <3
Great news. what a testimony to God’s faithfulness to each person. One year, our church bought sewing machines for people in Malawi after a church member went on a mission and saw the need.
God works through us all I have sent money for a machine to GFA in the past. I also think clean water and mosquito nets ae valuable too. May GOd bless the pastor’s witness
God always move in different ways. We may be blind of His presence but that is just our eyes. God is always here in spirit . We may feel too many heavy problems but remember that problem will pass as if it did not come only if we trust the Lord. Always remember that we live not only because of Him but for Him alone.
I love these testimonies. God bless this family. This story touched my heart and inspired me that I too should be more grateful and to use my talents for the glory of God. Thanks for sharing.
Praying for you Lily! Keep asking in faith because our God is Healer 🙂
I have had the same surgery and I am in the process of healing now. I pray that your healing is swift and pain free. Take joy in the small gifts as Kavana did with the sewing machine and use them to reach people for Christ. May God Bless you.
Your clothes are very beautiful and colorful. May u keep getting blessed. My love to all. Jmjfl
I would like to offer my condolences for your loss and praise God for the blessing you received of a sewing machine. I am so glad that God has opened a way for your mother and you. I will be praying for Good things to come your way.
There is a product you can put on the pulley’s which have possibly worn with wear and tear,I do not know what it is called,sadly.Good luck finding it better still ask the Lord and I am sure our prayers will be answered.B B.x
God is blessing Gospel for Asia in a special way and you are one of the fruits from their work.
We in the west can learn a great deal from you on how you see this gift. Most of us here would not consider this a gift the way that you do. God bless you and all our Asian friends, especially those that serve the Lord as national missionaries.
I feel so privileged to be in the community, family of God and Christ Jesus our lord and saviour. The warmth and love can clearly be felt just by reading the testimonies and comments from other Christians. And it helps to lift me up. So very much.
Please let’s just take a moment to pray for those lost, confused and hurt people out there who are serching for a purpose to live. God Bless you all xxxx
Touched and blessed by your story, ‘Stiching Together a New Life In Christ Jesus our Lord’ wonderful..
“To God Who is ABLE to do exceedingly abundantly above ALL that we Ask or Think, according to HIS POWER that is at work within us.” Amen. Stay strong in HIS WORD.. JESUS Loves you. May you continue to be a Blessing in everything you do.
Wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2017.
Love and God Bless.
I thank God for you Kavana, for your faith in Him. I pray that you will continue to trust and rely on Him as I believe He our God has brighter future for you and your mum.
God bless while I wish you and your mum a happy and prosperous Christmas in Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.
May God Continue to increase you business in Jesus name, Amen
We will not despise the day of little beginnings