Being the closest thing to a doctor that his village had, Aarav traveled from place to place giving medicine to his patients. There were always people in need of some remedy to cure their ailing health. But when Aarav began to have pain in his right hand, he had no medicine that could ease the discomfort.
Aarav sought treatment from several different doctors and spent many of his resources in hopes of being cured. But none of the doctors could ease the pain. For six long months, he lived with this discomfort.
A Friend and a Hope
During this trying season in his life, Aarav enjoyed having conversations with his friend Rangan, a Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastor who served faithfully in Aarav’s village. Aarav witnessed the hope and peace Pastor Rangan personally held in Christ. With great interest in Jesus, Aarav began attending church services to find out about this God who offers eternal life.
Pastor Rangan recognized Aarav’s attentiveness as he shared from God’s Word, so he often asked him to read the Scripture portions during Sunday services.
One day during a worship service, Pastor Rangan shared a message from Mark 3:1–5 and Matthew 12:9–13. Aarav read the account of Jesus healing the man with the withered hand, and the miraculous and awesome description of Jesus’s power sunk deep into his heart. Aarav began to believe Jesus could heal his hand, too.
Faith, Healing and a New Life
One hour later, Aarav felt the pain in his hand diminish completely! He headed home with a light and joyful heart. But when he reached his house, he found his wife suffering from stomach pain. With his faith already growing in Jesus, he prayed for his wife and testified to her about what Jesus had done for him. After his prayer, she too was healed completely. As a result of experiencing God’s mercy, Aarav offered his heart to the mighty Healer.
Now Aarav is growing in his love for Jesus and has seen how God’s Word stands true and endures forever. Aarav and his wife were healed by faith, and through it, God worked in Aarav’s heart to show him just how much He loves him!