Naina was much like any other young girl in her village, but there was one life-long struggle that set Naina apart: She was speech impaired. Multiple times, the other children at school laughed and made fun of Naina for her speech impediment. Girls would giggle at her when she tried to answer a question in class.
Teachers Worry About Naina’s Grades
Naina had great potential to excel in her studies, but she struggled academically because of the other children’s taunts. The staff at Bridge of Hope knew about the poverty Naina and her family lived in. They also knew that poverty could hinder Naina from getting quality education. Without that, Naina would struggle through her adulthood. The Bridge of Hope staff wanted every child to thrive, so they diligently taught Naina, taking extra time to make sure she understood how to do her class work.
Naina Excels in Her Studies
As the teachers helped Naina, the young, shy girl began to excel in her studies. She started to pay attention in class. With her grades improving, Naina built up confidence in every aspect of her life. She no longer cared about what the other children thought about her speech. She even played a role in a skit, which surprised people.
The Ambitions of a Young Child
Thanks to the help of her teachers, Naina can look past her physical struggle and the poverty that surrounds her and dream of an exciting future—a future that hasn’t already been dictated because of her circumstances. She is one of the best students in class and tries to be one of the top students. Naina’s teachers are nurturing her talents and encouraging her in her future.
Though Naina in the past was made fun of by her classmates and had bad grades, now she is excelling and has big dreams, just like many other Bridge of Hope children throughout Asia.
Find out how Bridge of Hope teachers inspired another Bridge of Hope student to become a teacher.
AMEN. We as Americans need to learn to humble ourselves
Another example of Bridge of Hope staff obeying God’s word thank you for sharing
John 13:34-35 New International Version (NIV)
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Praise the Lord Naina! Keep looking to the Lord Jesus, He has plans for you to glorify His Holy Name!
God Bless you Naina. And all the people at Bridge of Hope. With God nothing is impossible and. He Loves and cares for All His Children ❤️❤️❤️