An old, tattered net is all that separated 71-year-old Bhranti from the mosquitoes buzzing outside her home. Any one of those pesky insects potentially carried a historically feared disease: malaria.
Danger All Around
Malaria killed more than 400,000 people worldwide in 2018.[1] The World Health Organization considers mosquito nets among the most important measures taken to combat malaria.[2] Insecticide-treated mosquito nets have helped lower the number of deaths in recent years, and they are the only protection millions of people in Asia have against the harmful disease.
But Bhranti did not have a good net.
Bhranti’s husband passed away more than 10 years ago. All four of her daughters married, leaving the widow by herself. Every night, the ragged net Bhranti used as protection against mosquitoes went over her bed. The older widow desperately needed a new net, but she simply did not possess the money to purchase one.
Blessed with a New Net
Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported Pastor Sutak happened to be out ministering one day when he met Bhranti. After conversing with the pastor for a few minutes, Bhranti shared her situation with him. Hearing the widow’s story and seeing her tattered net, Pastor Sutak knew something needed to be done. Before he left Pastor Sutak encouraged Bhranti from God’s Word, saying her needs would be provided for.
By the grace of God, the local church held a Christmas gift distribution in Bhranti’s village later that year. There, the widow was presented with a brand-new mosquito net.
“I am so grateful to the [GFA-supported workers] for their love and care and for providing a mosquito net,” Bhranti says. “Now I do not need to worry about buying a mosquito net as I have received a new one.”
Bhranti’s previous fear of contracting malaria is gone, thanks to her new net.
[1] “World malaria report 2019.” World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/world-malaria-report-2019. 4 December 2019. [1] “Malaria: Entomology and vector control.” World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/malaria/areas/vector_control/en/. Accessed 28 March 2020.
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