Kalyani’s husband died four years ago, leaving her to finish raising their youngest son on her own. Working on a farm, Kalyani struggled to make ends meet.
One day, agonizing pain tore through Kalyani’s stomach and she was rushed to the hospital. Doctors diagnosed her with kidney cancer and immediately performed emergency surgery. During her week-long hospital stay, Kalyani’s niece came to visit; she prayed her aunt would experience the peace of Christ and know God’s vast love.
Days passed and the words of Kalyani’s niece evaporated in the face of Kalyani’s pain. Still weak and riddled with cancer, Kalyani tried to resume her motherly duties, but her broken body struggled to keep up—she had become a burden instead of caretaker for her family. Kalyani didn’t think she could talk to anyone, not even her sister or her sons, about how trapped she felt. Her sons could not take care of her; Kalyani wanted to release them from the pain of her presence.
A Moment of Desperation
The railway station loomed larger and larger as Kalyani approached. At the edge of the platform, Kalyani listened for moaning tracks. A knot formed in her chest as the tracks started to creak. Vibrations rose under her feet, sending tremors through her body. Digging up her last reserves of courage, Kalyani moved forward, a train screaming towards her, and stepped off the platform. But, as she fell forward, someone pulled her from behind to safety. Kalyani looked around to see who it was, but no one was there. She stood alone but alive. Confusion was followed by relief, and Kalyani headed home with one question: Who saved me?
Burning Question Answered
One day, Kalyani met Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Etash. When he shared how God offered His Son as a sacrifice and brought Him back to life, something clicked in Kalyani. She eagerly questioned Etash, who told her more about the God-Man named Jesus. Then Kalyani revealed her mysterious experience at the train tracks.
“God has saved your life,” said Pastor Etash. “He is always with us and helping us in every trial of our life.”
Believing God really had saved her that day, Kalyani told the pastor about her other struggles—the grief of losing her husband, her cancer diagnosis and the strange burning pain in her eyes.
Pastor Etash encouraged Kalyani and prayed for her. He invited her to attend prayer meetings for more prayer, encouragement and fellowship. Before he left, he shared one more thing.
“If you believe in Jesus Christ, He will save you for eternity,” said Pastor Etash. “He can take away all your sicknesses.”
Kalyani felt peace settle in her heart. Over the next several days, she noticed her pain diminish and her strength return. Encouraged by the power of God, she went to the prayer meetings and quickly became a regular fixture in the local congregation.
When her youngest son, Oojam, shared his anxiety about an upcoming high school exam, she told him to pray to Jesus each time he sat down to study and gave him a cross necklace.
“God is great, and He will help you in all your difficulties,” she encouraged her son.
Oojam got a good grade on the exam, so he started praying regularly for his school-work. His grades improved and he knew the Lord was with him, just as He had been with his mother.
Peace now lives in Kalyani and in Oojam, who is also attending church. Mother and son have the same hope, trusting Jesus with their lives and committing to follow Him the rest of their days.
Read how a nurse experienced supernatural healing after medical treatments failed.
Amen. Glory to God.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
“There was Jesus”, a song in America, by Zach Williams.
God showed up!
Rob says
What a Saviour. Brings tears to my eyes.
Wonderful !!! What a great and loving savior we serve!!