Markeda looked on her 5-year-old granddaughter, Fiala, with pity. Rather than running boisterously as many 5-year-olds do, Fiala was limited to a stationary position, unable to use her legs. Her greatest desire was to see the child walk. Markeda had fervently prayed to her traditional deities, but her devotion waned as Fiala continued in her immobility.
Losing Hope for the Future
With love and care, Markeda carried her granddaughter wherever they went. Still, she mourned Fiala’s inability to walk. She feared the future Fiala would endure if her condition persisted.
While Fiala’s father worked out of town as a daily wage laborer to provide for his daughter, her mother abandoned the disabled child. At such a young age, Fiala had already endured much loss. Sadly, Markeda held little hope for improvement in Fiala’s future. As her prayers continued to go unanswered, her own peace and joy began to slip away.
In the midst of this discouragement, Markeda met GFA Sister of Compassion Khris, who told Markeda about the God to whom she prayed and the hope she found in Him.
Taking a Chance on Prayer
Markeda listened intently, thinking of her 5-year-old granddaughter still unable to walk. She wondered if this God had the power to heal Fiala.
Pouring out her fears and concerns to Khris, Markeda shared about her young granddaughter’s condition and bleak future. She also revealed her disappointment with the lack of response when she had prayed.
Still, Markeda was willing to take another chance on prayer. She would do whatever it took to see her granddaughter walk.
Khris’s heart was stirred with compassion for the troubled grandmother. She told Markeda if she trusted in Jesus, He would never disappoint her, and she would know true peace and joy in her life. Encouraged by the Sister of Compassion’s words, Markeda urged Khris to pray for her granddaughter. A flicker of hope rekindled in Markeda’s heart.
Khris began to pray faithfully for Fiala. She visited their home frequently, massaging Fiala’s legs with oil as she asked God for a miracle. In faith, Khris helped Fiala practice walking, expecting God to answer her prayers.
Receiving God’s Compassionate Answer
Just two months later, after five years of being carried by her grandmother, Fiala began to walk!
Fiala and her grandparents were overjoyed! Tears sprang to their eyes as they recognized the power of prayer to God. Fiala’s entire future was changed, and she began to attend school. She now had hope for the future.
Markeda continued to welcome the words of life Khris shared with her and her family. They had seen the power of the God of whom Khris spoke, and their lives would never be the same.
Read Hetavi’s story and discover God’s answer to the fervent requests of another praying woman.
God wants people to have faith in Him!