Prewet squinted; his vision had been growing progressively worse. He used to see quite clearly, but as he grew older, it got harder and harder to see. Unfortunately, there was nothing he or his family could do about his diminishing eyesight.
The Available Opportunities
Prewet grew up in an impoverished home, his parents making what little money they could through daily labor. He was an unruly, disobedient boy who spoke disrespectfully to his elders and wore unkempt clothing. That was until he enrolled in GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program.
Through his enrollment in the program, Prewet took advantage of the support and instruction available to him. The tutors encouraged and guided the boy in both his education and his personal life, offering the direction and discipline Prewet needed. Through their caring support, they helped transform Prewet into a respectful, diligent student.
In addition, the program helped provide for Prewet’s basic needs. Medical checkups provided by the program revealed Prewet suffered from anemia. Fortunately, the staff worked hard to ensure Prewet had what he needed for physical and mental growth. Through nutritious meals and health-care awareness, the program staff helped Prewet keep himself healthy. But a problem was already arising.
Given Glasses, Given Sight
As the years passed, Prewet’s eyesight weakened to the point where he had difficulty reading his homework. Now a teenager, Prewet needed glasses—but his family couldn’t afford them on their own.
Recognizing the problem, the program staff had a solution. During a routine medical camp, doctors tested Prewet’s eyesight. The doctors recommended glasses for Prewet—which he received soon after the medical camp, free of cost.
Thankful for his new glasses, Prewet wore them everywhere. No more trouble deciphering things or reading his homework. Now, he could see just fine.
“I am greatly thankful to [the program] for the help in my life,” Prewet said. “I am what I am today just because of [the program]. … Now I am provided with an immense aid for saving my eyes. Thank you very much.”
Read how GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program provided a boy with the tools to thrive.