A Burning Passion in a Frozen Land

Sutram huddled in his home near their source of heat. Outside his house, freezing winds and frosty temperatures prevented the Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported worker from ministering. Sutram earnestly desired to bring…

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Because he received a blanket and jacket, Sutram (not pictured) is able to continue his ministry no matter the weather.

One Woman’s Journey from Abuse to Love

Life for Fena was difficult to say the least. In a recent report by the World Health Organization, researchers found that 35 percent of women around the world have been subjected to…

Far too many women suffer violent abuse. Thankfully, Fena (not pictured) has a new story.

Gift of a Blanket Leaves Lasting Impact for Widow

After the death of her husband, Dayita and her children faced many challenges, especially when it came to finances. Without the presence or provision of her husband, Dayita carried grief and sorrow…

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Dayita (second from left) and her children and grandchild pose for a picture with Pastor Ansh (far right). The pastor’s gift of a blanket made a lasting impact for Dayita’s entire family.

Fervent Prayers Bring Girl Home

Sabitha, 16, burned with curiosity to hear more about Jesus. The truth that God loved her was almost impossible for the teenager to believe. A seed of faith sprouted in her heart.…

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Sixteen-year-old Sabitha (pictured) lost her home and family when she followed Jesus. Then, through prayer, God restored to Sabitha what she had lost.

God Supernaturally Heals Man’s Throat

If anyone were to ask Kalapi if God really answers prayer, this grateful man would most likely give a resounding, “Yes!” and then share his story of how God healed his throat.…

GFA-supported pastors, like this one, visit with villagers, offering hope for everyday life and prayers for healing.

Bicycles Lift Burdens

Limited. That’s how Pastor Jachin felt. The members of his congregation live in several different villages that were some distance from his church. Whenever a believer was sick or in need of…

Pastor Jachin (pictured fourth from the right) and 11 of the 12 other GFA-supported workers pose with their new bicycles.

The Weight of the World

When Paden turned 12, his life drastically changed. His father passed away, leaving Paden, his mother and his two younger siblings all alone. The responsibility of caring for the family fell to…

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GFA-supported pastors minister to all who are in need, like Paden (not pictured).