Broadcasting Beyond Borders

God works in mysterious ways to express His love to His children and to save them from bondage. One way is through GFA-supported radio stations. Yushan, 25, lived in bondage, but then he heard…


Journey to Buy Animal Sacrifices Ends Abruptly

It was a Sunday morning in August when Teesha and her husband headed out on a bicycle. They wheeled through a village that had a church building, and as they rode by,…

Teesha received healing from severe joint pain after the earnest prayers of believers she met after visiting church one day.

Clean Water in a Dry Village

Pastor Paavak could not turn a blind eye from the needs he saw in the village he served in. After seeing families and individuals in his community thirst for a clean water…

On October 24, 2013, 30 families received BioSand water filters from GFA-supported pastors.