A Mother in Need

Sanoja could take no more. Throughout the past year, her husband had constantly berated, abused and tormented her—all for going to church. Even their young son, who was the result of much…

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Sanoja, pictured here, is thankful for the goat she received and eagerly awaits the day she can use the income it will provide to send her son to school.

Fervent Prayers Bring Girl Home

Sabitha, 16, burned with curiosity to hear more about Jesus. The truth that God loved her was almost impossible for the teenager to believe. A seed of faith sprouted in her heart.…

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Sixteen-year-old Sabitha (pictured) lost her home and family when she followed Jesus. Then, through prayer, God restored to Sabitha what she had lost.

No Money for Medicine

Enough was enough, the laborers decided. Kandhara’s fellow tea laborers began protesting their working conditions and low pay. As the days turned into weeks and months, the protests continued—which meant no pay…

Kandhara (pictured) received free treatment through the medical camp that her son’s Bridge of Hope center had organized.

Son’s Healing Strengthens Mother’s Faith

When her son became sick, Anushka took him to the doctor and then praised the Lord when he recovered. When her boy fell ill again, this time with a more daunting prognosis,…

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Anushka’s faith grew stronger after prayers for her son led to a miraculous healing.

God Supernaturally Heals Man’s Throat

If anyone were to ask Kalapi if God really answers prayer, this grateful man would most likely give a resounding, “Yes!” and then share his story of how God healed his throat.…

GFA-supported pastors, like this one, visit with villagers, offering hope for everyday life and prayers for healing.

The Weight of the World

When Paden turned 12, his life drastically changed. His father passed away, leaving Paden, his mother and his two younger siblings all alone. The responsibility of caring for the family fell to…

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GFA-supported pastors minister to all who are in need, like Paden (not pictured).

Chasing Happiness, Finding Love

Childhood for Kerensa in a rural village in Asia was normal. Following in her parents’ footsteps, the young girl adhered to traditional rites and rituals. For prosperity and blessings in life, Kerensa…