A Mother’s Prayers Bring Daughter Peace

Hetavi lost her father when she was only 18 years old. Grief stung the young woman even more deeply because her paternal relatives barraged Hetavi, her younger siblings and their mother Toral,…

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Through her mother’s fervent prayers, Hetavi (pictured) now rejoices in God’s love!

Rescued from the Train Tracks

Kalyani’s husband died four years ago, leaving her to finish raising their youngest son on her own. Working on a farm, Kalyani struggled to make ends meet. One day, agonizing pain tore…

Kalyani tried to take her life but was miraculously saved by a stranger she could not see. She later discovered the name of that stranger, and her life was transformed.

Rescuers on a Bus

Utsang sat atop the bus and ordered the driver to stop. The other passengers stared at Utsang while he shook uncontrollably. Then they jumped to his aid when he tried to kill…

Utsang (pictured) was drowning in depression until Christ brought him into new life.

God’s Hand on a Pastor’s Son

Gayesh stood up and looked around at the people who had gathered to celebrate his decision to follow Christ. Many events in the past few years had paved the way for this…

Gayesh (pictured) has experienced God’s blessing in many ways since his simple prayer at age 12. His miraculous healing and a bright future are just a few of the things he thanks God for today.

Mysterious Illness Drives Nurse to Divine Healing

Anisa spent years caring for sick people, helping them in their time of need. Now that it was her turn, she was alone with no one to turn to. Eighty-year-old Anisa spent…

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Anisa (not pictured) spent her younger years working as a nurse. Now, at 80, and suffering from a mysterious skin disease, she became desperate for a cure that she could not find within the medical community.

A Mother in Need

Sanoja could take no more. Throughout the past year, her husband had constantly berated, abused and tormented her—all for going to church. Even their young son, who was the result of much…

Sanoja, pictured here, is thankful for the goat she received and eagerly awaits the day she can use the income it will provide to send her son to school.

God Saves Men from Almost Certain Death

Putt. P-putt! Whiroooo… hiss! The recently purchased four-wheeler was supposed to take Himmat and his companions up a hazardous road to a nearby village to sell clothes. Instead, it sputtered to a…

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It was on a difficult road like this one that Himmat and his companions cried out for help when their four-wheeler broke down.