Kidnapped Girl Finds God’s Grace

Since 2012, the world has celebrated International Day of the Girl Child on October 11. According to the United Nations General Assembly, the day was established to shine a spotlight on “the…

Ziah’s gift of friendship, as shown between these girls, has made a world of difference in Waida’s life.

God Supernaturally Heals Man’s Throat

If anyone were to ask Kalapi if God really answers prayer, this grateful man would most likely give a resounding, “Yes!” and then share his story of how God healed his throat.…

GFA-supported pastors, like this one, visit with villagers, offering hope for everyday life and prayers for healing.

Bicycles Lift Burdens

Limited. That’s how Pastor Jachin felt. The members of his congregation live in several different villages that were some distance from his church. Whenever a believer was sick or in need of…

Pastor Jachin (pictured fourth from the right) and 11 of the 12 other GFA-supported workers pose with their new bicycles.

God Saves Men from Almost Certain Death

Putt. P-putt! Whiroooo… hiss! The recently purchased four-wheeler was supposed to take Himmat and his companions up a hazardous road to a nearby village to sell clothes. Instead, it sputtered to a…

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It was on a difficult road like this one that Himmat and his companions cried out for help when their four-wheeler broke down.