The Sound of Healing

Talika was partially deaf. She could barely make out anything of the Bible stories her teachers shared during a Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported Vacation Bible School. But somehow, though she couldn’t hear…


Drinking from a Pig Pond

Sabeena watched clean water trickle out of the BioSand water filter. Impressed by how well the rocks and sand within the cement structure cleaned the water of impurities, she immediately wondered—could her…


Drinking from the Smelly Pond

Can you imagine living in a land where there is no proper source of water? What would you do? How would you gather enough water for your needs? Tasks like washing dishes,…

These men and women received new BioSand water filters at the distribution conducted by Pastor Dayala. These water filters will turn their stagnant, foul-smelling pond water into a healthy, clean glass of water

Bitterness Becomes Gratitude

Dirty, tattered clothes hung loosely over Kaling’s malnourished frame—poverty’s mark marred his appearance in many ways. Yet Kaling felt even more forlorn on the inside than he looked outwardly: Bitterness and insecurity…

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