Life is not easy for the women of Asia, but there are dedicated Gospel for Asia supported women missionaries who reach into the lives of hurting women and bring them from despair to the Hope of Jesus.

A Once-Annoyed Girl Discovers God’s Love

As 16-year-old Jillian listened to her friend, Reghan’s invitation, her curiosity grew. Jillian had wanted to see how Christians celebrated Christmas, though she had never understood Reghan’s faith. In fact, Jillian hadn’t…

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Pastor Joaquin, like the pastor pictured, offers God’s love to questioning people—like Jillian.

Keeping Her Eyes on Her Calling

As Gaile prepared to head out after her father’s funeral, the young woman was stopped by her mother and several other relatives. Don’t continue in this endeavor, they said, and admonished her…

Read more about the article Keeping Her Eyes on Her Calling
Gaile, like these GFA missionaries pictured, helps bring God’s love to the neediest of communities.

Woman Escapes Abuse, Hate

Saoirse, a pastor’s wife and the leader of the local Women’s Fellowship, was out one day with a few members of the fellowship looking to offer God’s love to any who might…

Saoirse leads a Women’s Fellowship, like the one pictured, where women gather together, encouraging one another in the love of God and reaching out to the local community with the love of Christ.

The Despair of a Single Mother

“Frustrated” didn’t begin to describe how Kalyska felt. Her younger brother had effectively stolen the money she had lent him. Nearly all her savings were now gone. It was a heavy blow…

Kalyska, pictured here, is thankful for the love she was shown and the opportunity to provide for her children.

The Odd Family Out

The family was an oddity, Taegen noticed. Disciplined, orderly and peaceful—totally unlike their fellow villagers. There were no outbursts of anger, no loud arguments. They did not partake of the vices engaged…

Taegen, pictured here, saw the peace and harmony in Olathe’s life and wanted to experience it for herself.